
my senseless mind speaks.

Clouds are made to delay the start.

Again, I'm writing something that I myself don't know if there's sense on this stuff that I am now doing. It jsut came up to my mind that I then had the interest on writing something eventhough I don't have not much to talk about. I'm now here, sitting infront of my PC having so much words jumbled up my mind, still, I can't make a concrete topic of what I want to talk or to discuss about. Anyway, here goes nothing...

It's a bit funny how poeple try to hide their true feelings, for what? Is it because of pride? I myself don't know. Maybe it's the human's defense mechanism on how to protect whatever they want to protect. Lmao. Even I in some cases hide what I truly feel. Sometimes, when I am upset, feeling down or not approving on something, I do the same thing. I try to be all fine and stuff, trying to be invulnerable. Why? Because I am afraid of what others might say. I deny, a self-confessed denial king maybe. Hahah!

Anyways, I don't know... Now, I don't have any words in my mind to write. Sometimes, I see poeple trying to prove something, trying to show something that in reality... They're just fooling themselves on what they are doing. It's just like making someone envy you or, making someone get intimidated by your presence or by what you are doing. To be honest, I don't really care on what the hell they're doing on their lives. It's their life, not mine. If they see themselves as a pig. Then, so be it. If they think that I'll give a damn on what they want to prove, well, I don't. There's so many things in life that has more reason to tackle on, and not just show-off. Haha! Lmao.

If someone is trying to pull me down, then, I'll do the same... Eheh, hate me. Curse me, I don't care. It just shows how important I am to you that you'll do anything just to make me feel that I am wrong. If the world is just flat, I guess you had pushed me towards the edge and now I'm clinging on for my survival just for me to continue on living. Well, guess what... I've made a new world of my own. Far more beautiful than what it was before. Nah... What I've just said was so plastic. Haha!! Ofcourse, there's a part of me wanting to still live in a world that I got used to. But... How? Now that the end has started a new. To adapt, to be part of something new is my goal now. To be someone that's far beyond from who I am before. Argh. Err.. What am I saying? LOL!

Anyway, I'm not mad or anything, I'm just bursting out some scrambled thoughts in my mind. I just can't put my thoughts together that much, maybe that's why I write this way... OMG! I think like shit. My mind is full of confusing, unlogical, senseless thoughts that anyone who will read this would just laugh. HAHAH!

Blah blah... Hahah!

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